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HomeOLR Connections Episodes

OLR Connections is a bi-weekly video podcast available on the "OLR Connections" YouTube channel.  Every two weeks a new 30 minute episode is released on Monday Morning.

Episode 33: MWB Bill Carter, Part III, What Does Successful Freemasonry Look Like?

RWB Chad Kopenski concludes his conversation with MWB William M. Carter III. They cover many topics related to Masonry and Masonic Education that focus on what successful Freemasonry looks like.

Episode 32: MWB Bill Carter, Part II, "Freemasonry is...."
MWB William M. Carter III, GM of Masons in Ohio, and RWB Chad Kopenski, Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research, continue their conversation in Part II with a discussion of "What is Freemasonry?"

Episode 31: MWB Bill Carter, Part I

MWB WIlliam M. Carter, III, GM of Masons in Ohio sits down with the Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research, RWB Chad Kopenski to discuss Masonic origins and Masonic Education. This is Part I of several episodes from the conversation between these two Masons.

Episode 30: The Manhood of the Brother

Brother David Daugherty shares an essay inspired by the writings of Joseph Fort Newton.

Episode 29: Sharing What We've Learned

Brothers Jimmie Hampton, Nicholas Irvin, and Jason Rudder continue their conversation with the Ohio Lodge of Research addressing Masonic Research, Writing Papers, and Sharing the education we've collected in our journey.

Episode 28: Member Profile, Kentucky Oracles

Brothers Jimmie Hampton, Nicholas Irvin, and Jason Rudder are Freemasons from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky who travel extensively. They continue on a journey to ask the important questions which leads to answers wherever the can be found. Their travels have brought them to the Ohio Lodge of Research where they have been welcomed with open arms.

Episode 27: Leadership Training in Masonry 

WB Mike Clevenger from New England Lodge #4 and Ohio Lodge of Research Active. WB Clevenger has been an active member of the Masonic Education Community for over 20 years. Many of his resources can be found at Masons Lead Better or at his youtube channel: Masons Lead Better. In this episode, he describes Masonic Leadership Training opportunities.

Episode 26: Member Profile, Mike Clevenger

You are introduced to WB Mike Clevenger from New England Lodge #4 who is a member of the Ohio Lodge of Research and an active member of the Masonic Education Community for over 20 years. Many of his resources can be found at or at his youtube channel: Masons Lead Better

 Episode 25: Candidate Proficiencies

This episode highlights the conversations of Ohio Lodge of Research Brothers as the participate in a Virtual Discussion event and evaluate the merits, challenges and options of Candidate Proficiency.

Episode 24: Member Profile, Robert J. Brower, III

RWB Brower joins the OLR Connections for a conversation about his Masonic journey and shares his insights into education, leadership, and the challenges of sharing your ideas with others

Episode 23: Bursting the Bubble

RWB Chad Kopenski, Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research, introduces the topic for the upcoming Virtual Discussion to be held on August 27 and 28, 2024.

Virtual Discussion Topic:  Getting To Why
A Survey Of MCME Jurisdictional Reports. Masonic Research usually begins with two questions: 'Why?' and 'Where do I go from here?'

Episode 22: Member Profile, Brother Paul Saltz

Meet Brother Paul Saltz in this episode's Member Profile. Brother Saltz is a new Mason and a new member of the Ohio Lodge of Research who was recently elevated to the status of Active Member with the presentation of his paper on the Cardinal Virtues.

Episode 21: Sharing Your Story, Sharing Your Community

The conversation with Past Masters Alex Herbert and Don Crews continues as they further explain their process for writing educational pieces ranging from lodge education programs to books. Many stories are shared with the recognition that challenges and motivations are all connected to the community.

Brothers Crew's and Herbert's Books can be found at the following links:  Loge-Liberte and Cincinnati's Freemasons.

Episode 20: Joys and Trials of Writing a Book

Past Masters of the Ohio Lodge of Research, RWB Alex Herbert and WB Don Crews, KYCH share the challenges they faced in writing a book on Masonic topics and the need to preserve the history even if it may not be perfectly recorded. (A second episode with Brothers Herbert and Crews will follow to complete their discussion and advice on the act of writing a book.)

Brothers Crew's and Herbert's Books can be found at the following links:  Loge-Liberte and Cincinnati's Freemasons.

Episode 19: Member Profile, Bob Stacoffe, PM

Member Profile: Get to know WB Bob Stacoffe, Past Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research, Royal Scofield Master of the Craft, Fellow of the Hautes Grads Academy, Scottish Rite MSA. Learn about his Masonic Journey and the excitement that continues his exploration of Freemasonry at the age of 89.

Episode 18: Looking Forward to the Year Ahead

RWB Chad Kopenski, the newly elected Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research shares his plans for and vision of the Lodge for the upcoming year.

Episode 17:  What Freemasonry Should Be

Epidode 17: What Freemasonry Should Be

A third and final (?) conversation with OLR Active Member and Author, Brother Dan Hrinko as we discuss what the education of a Mason should look like from initiation through the Brotherhood. Additionally, Bro. Hrinko provides a summary of "The Purple of the Fraternity" His other writings include "The Craft Driven Lodge." and"From Man to Mason: A Transformation Through Education."

Episode 16: Young Masons' View of the Future

Brothers Robert "Rocky" Jackson, Elie Harriet, and Chuck Suscheck discuss the possible future moves of the Ohio Lodge of Research

Episode 15: Valuing Different Viewpoints

RWBs James A Buckhorn, Jason Laramee, and Chad Kopenski discuss the value of differing viewpoints in Masonry and Masonic Education.

Episode 14: The Creative Process with Bro. Dan Hrinko
OLR Active Member and Author, Brother Dan Hrinko describes his writing process and the need for Masonic research.  Bro. Hrinko's writings include "The Craft Driven Lodge.", "The Purple of the Fraternity" and the soon to be released, "From Man to Mason: A Transformation Through Education."

Episode 13: The Value of Proper Mentorship
RWBs Jason Laramee, James A. Buckhorn, and Chad Kopenski continue their discussion about the similarities and differences of the Grand Lodges of Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio by considering the value of mentoring in Masonry.

Episode 12: A Craft Driven Lodge
The Brothers of the Ohio Lodge of Research would like to introduce you to OLR Active Member and Author, Brother Dan Hrinko. Bro. Hrinko describes how he captured the experiences of Arts and Sciences Lodge in his first book, "The Craft Driven Lodge." Bro. Hrinko's other writings include "The Purple of the Fraternity" and the soon to be released, "From Man to Mason: A Transformation Through Education."

Episode 11: Grand Lodge Educational Comparisons
RWB Jason Laramee, Chairman of the Wisconsin Grand Lodge Education Committee, RWB James A. Buckhorn, Chairman of the Indiana Grand Lodge Education Committee, and RWB Chad Kopenski, Past Chairman of the Ohio Grand Lodge Education Committee discuss the similarities and differences between Education in the three jurisdictions as well as the future of Masonic Education.

Episode 10: Young Masons in Research

Brothers Robert "Rocky" Jackson, Elie Harriet, and Chuck Suscheck discuss the purposes of Masonic education and research from the perspective of new Masons finding their own path through the Fraternity.

Episode 9: What are You Reading? Part II

Brothers Chad Kopenski, Mike Miller, Taylor Kleineick, and David Daugherty continue their conversation about books they recommend; this time in the category of non-fiction non-Masonic books that Masons should read.

Episode 8: What are You Reading?

Brothers Chad Kopenski, Mike Miller, Taylor Kleineick, and David Daugherty compare notes and suggestions of fictional works they recommend to be read

Episode 7: Rebuilding the Ohio Lodge of Research
Brothers Charley Ashley, Bob Stacoffe, and David Daugherty reminisce about the efforts to rebuild the Ohio Lodge of Research from an organization that had dwindled to meetings of 3 and 4 members to a Lodge with multiple offerings and active participation from many, Members and non-members, Masons and non-Masons alike.

Episode 6: Tips on Masonic Research with Chris Ruli

Brother Chris Ruli, Author of "The White House and the Freemasons" shares many of the resources, tips, tricks, and suggestions to provide guidance for anyone conducting Masonic Research.

Episode 5: The Research Process with Chris Ruli
A conversation with Brother Chris Ruli, Author of "The White House and the Freemasons" in which he describes his process for writing anything from a Powerpoint Presentation to a Book.

Brother Ruli's presentation about "The Whitehouse and the Freemasons" is also available for viewing

Episode 4: Finishing Research
Brothers Chad Kopenski, Michael Miller, Taylor Kleineick, and David Daugherty continue the discussion on the goals and benefits of Masonic Research and the challenges of finishing research into new topics.  If you have questions about Masonry that you've always wanted to answer, this discussion may encourage you to pursue your own ideas.

Episode 3: Starting Research
Brothers Chad Kopenski, Michael Miller, Taylor Kleineick, and David Daugherty discuss the goals and benefits of Masonic Research and the challenges of beginning research into new topics.  If you have questions about Masonry that you've always wanted to answer, this discussion may help you get started. 

Episode 2: What is Masonic Education?
Join the Officers of the Ohio Lodge of Research for Episode 2 of OLR Connections, a video podcast to highlight thoughts and ideas on Masonic Education, Masonic Research, and the many opportunities available through Masonry and the OLR.  In this episode, they try to find an answer to the question, What is Masonic Education.

Episode 1: MED Talks
WM David Daugherty, SW Chad Kopenski, and JW Michael Miller sit down to discuss the successes and opportunities from the recent Ohio Lodge of Research event: MED Talks. Join them to find out how the day of education went, learn different perspectives on Masonic Education and Masonic Research, and discover what the future may hold for the OLR. This 25 minute video podcast is the beginning of a new offering from the Ohio Lodge of Research focusing on the Connections of Masonry and the opportunities for connections within the OLR.