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The Lost Records of Pearl Lodge #23

WB Jeremey Watkins, Worshipful Master of the Mississippi Lodge of Research, shares his research on the records of Pearl Lodge #23 in Jackson, MS which have been missing since the Civil War. With evidence the records may be in Ohio, WB Watkins seeks the assistance of the Brothers of the Ohio Lodge of Research in his search.


Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Presented to the Rubicon Society as Episode 56 of their series, "21st Century Conversations about Freemasonry."

Right Worshipful Brother David Daugherty is the current Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research and is a Past Master of Washington Lodge #17 in Hamilton, Ohio and a member of many Masonic Research organizations. David is a Past District Deputy Grand Master and a Past Regent for the Royal Scofield Society.

The Book of John Sherer

Two years after his initial presentation on John Sherer (see link below), RWB Kopenski updates the Ohio Lodge of Research on his research into the life of this publisher and artist.

Right Worshipful Brother Chad Kopenski is a Past Master of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio, a member of Amesville Lodge #278 in Amesville, Ohio, and a member of Oregon Lodge #151 in Oregon, Wisconsin. Chad is a Past District Deputy Grand Master, Past Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Education Committee, and a Past Regent for the Royal Scofield Society.

Chris Ruli

Freemasonry's Legacy on the American Presidency

Chris Ruli is a historian on early Freemasonry and author of The White House & The Freemasons and Archivum Masonicum - Papers on Masonic History. His research focuses on fraternity's political legacy and impact on American society. He is a past Grand Historian and Librarian and led efforts to digitize Masonic research and publications, most notably the transactions of the Supreme Council, A.A.S.R. Southern Jurisdiction, The New Age Magazine, and The Miscellanea - The Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States. He is a frequent contributor to a number of Masonic publications including The Scottish Rite Journal, Heredom, and Philalethes: A Journal of Masonic Research and Letters. Chris' work has been featured in non-Masonic publications including The Washington Post, The History Channel, and the White House Historical Association. He is a member of Masonic organizations in Washington, D.C. and Alexandria, Virginia and a contributing member of the D.C. Historical Society.

Leadership Lessons from the Judges and Kings of Israel

Matthew W. Parker is the current Worshipful Master of Nebraska Lodge #1, AF&AM of Nebraska. He is a member of multiple lodges in Nebraska, as well as his mother lodge Topeka #17 in the Grand Lodge of Kansas. He is also the currently serving High Priest of Omaha Chapter #1 Royal Arch Masons, is active in multiple valleys of Nebraska Scottish Rite Masonry, and is a member of a number of research lodges and bodies besides the Ohio Lodge of Research. Outside of Masonry he is an attorney for the State of Nebraska, a Kentucky Colonel, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Matthew W Parker 130x170
OLR logo

Impact of Masonic Youth Groups

Freemasons and Hermetics

Murder, Treason, and Other Felonies

On September 17, 2022, The Ohio Lodge of Research met in Springfield, OH under St. Andrews Lodge No. 619.   The three presentations linked above were made in-person.  However the recording quality was not sufficient for upload to the virtual archives.   The audio is provided at the best quality possible for those who are interested.

Codes, Ciphers, and Secrets: A Masonic View of Cryptography 

Brother Mark Pearrow is a Past Master and current Chair of the Education Committee of Norfolk Lodge in Needham, MA and the Master of the Lodge of Instruction for the 5th Masonic District of GLMA.  Professionally, he is a research engineer at MIT in Cambridge, MA.


Districts, Demographics, and Bloodlines

Right Worshipful Brother Chad Kopenski is a Past Master of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio, a member of Amesville Lodge #278 in Amesville, Ohio, and a member of Oregon Lodge #151 in Oregon, Wisconsin. Chad is a Past District Deputy Grand Master, the Junior Past Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Education Committee, and Secretary and Past Regent for the Royal Scofield Society.

Life, Death, & Rebirth

Common Threads in Ancient Initiatory Rites of Passage

Brother Joe Martinez is currently the Senior Warden of Manasseh Lodge № 182, A.F. & A.M., of the Commonwealth of Virginia. He is also a member of the premier Esoteric Lodge in Washington, DC, Benjamin B. French Lodge. Brother Martinez is a veteran of the United States Army, a former Counterintelligence Special Agent, and an Investigator for over ten years. 

Stonecutter Lodge #802

Josh Lansdale is a charter member and Junior Warden of the newly formed Stonecutter Lodge in Cinncinnati, OH. This presenatation provides an overview of the formation of the Lodge and how it sets itself apart from other Masonic Lodges.

The Masonic Lodge in a Digital World

Right Worshipful Brother Tim Redick is a Past Master of Russellville Lodge #166 in Russelville, OH and a District Deputy Grand Master for the 6th Masonic District. Brother Redick is also a Master of the Craft in the Royal Scofield Society. In addition to his involvement in the Masonic Fraternity, Brother Redick has volunteered with Americorp to educate the community in topics of Digital Literacy.

John Brown: Masonic Myths and Local Connections


Researching Masonic History

Alex was raised in 2008 in Hudson Lodge #510 and currently works as a safety engineer in the aerospace industry. Within the Fraternity, Alex is a Past District Deputy Grand Master for the 21st Masonic District. He also serves as the Senior Warden of the Ohio Lodge of Research, the Senior Warden of Castle Island Virtual Lodge № 190 (Grand Lodge of Manitoba), and a Regent of the Royal Scofield Society. RWB Herbert is also a "Masonic Educator" through Masons Lead Better.

John Sherer: Master's Carpets

Right Worshipful Brother Chad Kopenski is a Past Master of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio, a member of Amesville Lodge #278 in Amesville, Ohio, and a member of Oregon Lodge #151 in Oregon, Wisconsin. Chad is a Past District Deputy Grand Master, the Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Education Committee, and a Regent for the Royal Scofield Society.

Masonic Legacy Society

Brother Mark St. Cyr is a member of Sunrise Lodge #783 in Gahanna Ohio. He is also a 32º Scottish Rite Mason NMJ, both a member and facilitator for the Masonic Legacy Society and a member of the Ohio Lodge of Research in Ohio. He is a globally recognized business and market expert, routinely quoted and cited in the mainstream business/financial media. Currently he hosts a private access, groundbreaking business and self improvement broadcast to a worldwide audience.

Adult Development in Masonic Education

Brother Rob McLaughlin, PhD is a member of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio. For the last sixteen years, Bro. McLaughlin has served as an educator, administrator, and practitioner. As a practitioner and consultant, he has worked with people and organization across many sectors in leader development, facilitation, negotiation, mediation, and collaboration. His interest in working with people to increase awareness and deepen perspective informs his teaching, practice, and research. Focusing on the intersection of adult learning, adult development, and leadership, his work explores the individual’s capacity to become more adaptive, resilient, and efficient through meaning making.

Achieving a Transformative Experience as a Masonic Line Officer

Worshipful Brother Nathan Trester presented "Achieving a Transformative Experience as a Masonic Line Officer" during the Ohio Lodge of Research meeting held at Paramuthia Lodge #25 on September 19, 2020. This work was prepared and presented as completion of the Masterpiece component of the Royal Scofield Society. Brother Trester is a Past Master of Yeatman Lodge #162 in Cincinnati, OH and is currently the Senior Steward of Caliburn Lodge #785 also of Cincinnati, OH.

The Symbolism of the Beehive

Brother Michael Miller presented the Symbolism of the Beehive during the Ohio Lodge of Research Virtual Education Night on July 23, 2020. This work was originally presented as Brother Miller's Masterpiece component for completion of the Royal Scofield Society. Brother Miller is the Senior Warden of Jefferson Lodge #90.

An Introduction to the Anti-Masonic Movement

Brother Jim Seelye presented his recent research into the Anti-Masonic Movement on July 23 during the Ohio Lodge of Research Virtual Education Night. Brother Seelye is the Senior Warden of McKinley Lodge #431 and an Assistant Professor of History at Kent State University.

Presentation by RWB S. Brad Drew given to the OLR on May 16, 2020

COVID-19: The Change Freemasonry Needed

S. Brad Drew is a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1 (KY) where he also currently serves as Senior Deacon. He was raised in 2011 in Latonia No. 746 (KY) and served as Master in 2016. He currently serves as Senior Warden for William O. Ware Lodge of Research (KY) and is a frequent contributor of articles, papers and writings.

Bro. Brad is a member and officer of the Maysville York Rite Bodies (Chapter, Council and Commandery) and Valley of Covington Scottish Rite Bodies. He is a member of the Masonic Society, the Scottish Rite Research Society, the Philalethes Society (Vice President, T.S. Parvin Chapter, Cincinnati OH), the Rubicon Masonic Society, and a Board Director for the Masonic Library and Museum Association of the Covington Scottish Rite.

Bro. Brad has served the Grand Lodge of Kentucky as District Deputy Grand Master for District 18 and currently serves as Grand Pursuivant. He is also actively involved with the Masonic Legacy Society, the Scottish Rite SMJ Master Craftsman Program and various other self-led Masonic research and study groups and organizations.

Lexington Lodge No. 1 (Lexington, KY) has been hosting a monthly series on Virtual Masonic Education. Topics range from Freemasonry in the Pandemic to the Tavern Myth to Sherlock Holmes. Most of the presentations are available to view on their website at the following link.

Lexington Lodge Virtual Masonic Education Series

Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library in the Grand Lodge of New York offer a regular series of lectures on topics related to Masonry. The presentations are available through their You Tube channel at the following link.

Livingston Library Lecture Series

The Rubicon Masonic Society

of Lexington, KY

Presents a virtual education series from Lexington Lodge No. 1

Discovering Freemasonry Series