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The Ohio Lodge of Research is chartered by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio and operates for the purpose of encouraging Masonic study and research.  We are Freemasons committed to sharing our enthusiasm for Masonry and the Light we have gained through presentations, publication, and fellowship.  This internet portal is an opportunity to share beyond the walls of our Lodges and beyond the borders of our state.  Please enjoy the available information, consider joining us for a discussion, and feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with us.  Together we learn and together we grow.

Episode 28: Member Profile, Kentucky Oracles

Brothers Jimmie Hampton, Nicholas Irvin, and Jason Rudder are Freemasons from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky who travel extensively. They continue on a journey to ask the important questions which leads to answers wherever the can be found. Their travels have brought them to the Ohio Lodge of Research where they have been welcomed with open arms.

Past episodes of OLR Connections are available on the OLR Connections Episodes

OLR Connections is a bi-weekly video podcast available on the "OLR Connections" YouTube channel.  Every two weeks a new 20 - 30 minute episode is released on Monday Morning.

Brother, They Said….



‘Brother,’ they said as they approached the Past Master.


‘Brother,’ they said, ‘we have concerns, we have questions, and we hope that maybe you might offer some thoughts.’


‘Oh,’ the Past Master groaned, ‘I always have thoughts, whether they are helpful or not remains to be seen. How may I help?’


‘Brother, as you know, we are Freemasons. We are directed to practice the Four Cardinal Virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice; we are called to use the tools of Logic and Reason to put our values of Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, and Universality into practice towards fulfilling our various duties to our Creator, our Neighbors, and Ourselves,’ they said.


‘Yes,’ said the Past Master.


‘Furthermore, we are charged to be peaceable citizens outside the Lodge, and about the Lodge to erect a barrier against those things that divide people into sects or clans so that we may pursue Education, Justice, and Harmony, ’they said.


‘Yes, yes,’ said the Past Master.


‘Our concerns and questions are this: we live in a divided world. We live in a time where ideas have become tribal lines, where the focus is on grievances and differences, where there is open talk of disturbing the peace or encouraging violence. Regardless of our own personal beliefs, we know family, friends, neighbors, and, yes, even Brethren, who are incredibly aggrieved and seeking relief. What are we to do? If my father, my Brother, or my tribe raises an army and marches against my community, where do I stand? My clan or my community, where do I fall? Choosing one means losing the other and choosing neither means losing both. As Freemasons, we cannot remain passive and we must make a stand. Where? With whom? How?’ they pleaded.


The Past Master looked down in thought.


After a few moments, he quietly said, ‘I don’t know, have you tried Freemasonry?’


‘Freemasonry is not passive,’ the Past Master said, looking up at them, ’it is putting our values into action to fulfill our various duties to our Creator, our Neighbors, and Ourselves. In that battle between clan and community, where both are aggrieved and tempers are running high, what do they need? They need someone practicing Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice to erect a barrier against those things that divide people, to listen and question both using the tools of Logic and Reason with no other agenda than that of Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, and Universality. They need someone pursuing Education, Justice, and Harmony; facilitating the changes necessary in both the clan and the community to make those things permanent. In short, a divided world needs Freemasonry. In the choice between clan and community, it is the only choice.’


He sighed, ‘I don’t know, Brethren, have you tried Freemasonry?’


They smiled and thanked the Past Master as he walked away, agreeing that maybe it might be time to try.

Share your thoughts about this piece and join the Discussion with the Brothers of the OLR.

The Lost Records of Pearl Lodge #23

WB Jeremey Watkins, Worshipful Master of the Mississippi Lodge of Research, shares his research on the records of Pearl Lodge #23 in Jackson, MS which have been missing since the Civil War. With evidence the records may be in Ohio, WB Watkins seeks the assistance of the Brothers of the Ohio Lodge of Research in his search.

Virtual Archives of the Lodge of Research


All virtual presentations made before the Ohio Lodge of Research are available as recorded videos. Enjoy past presentations and consider joining the Brothers of the Lodge for the next Virtual Education Night. Links are also provided to recorded presentations of other Masonic Research organizations. If you would like to suggest an additional link to be included in the virtual archives, contact the Webmaster.

Upcoming Meetings of the OLR

Friday, September 13 - Saturday, September 14
Joint Meeting with Ohio and New York Chapters of Research
Canton, OH

Saturday, September 28
In-Person Meeting
East Palestine Lodge
MED TALKS II Postponed to March

Tuesday, November 26
Virtual Presentation

Tuesday, December 17
Virtual Discussion

Saturday, January 18
In-Person Meeting

Saturday, March 15
In-Person Meeting:  "A Gathering of the Clans"

Tuesday, April 29
Virtual Presentation

Friday, May 2 - Sunday, May 4
Midwest Conference on Masonic Education
Indianapolis, IN

Saturday, May 17
In-Person Meeting:  Annual Meeting

Topics and Agendas for upcoming meetings will be provided as available

Three Books Every Mason Should Read

On Saturday, April 29, 2023, attendees at the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education in Canton, Ohio, participated in group discussions to identify and list the best masonic related books to recommend to other Masons from various categories. Many books in a multitude of categories were identified over two working sessions. The session were facilitated by WB Josh Beasley, KYCH, RSS. The following recommendations are a synthesis and amalgamation of the discussions held.

Recommended Use

The intention of this document is a beginning answer to the question: ‘I’m a Master Mason, now what?’ Some Brethren know that they have a particular interest, some may not know what they are interested in, but this to offer a resource to Education Officers and Brethren as they move forward in their Masonic development.
We have formatted these lists in a bookmark format. Education Officers can either use this document as a whole or portion it out as bookmarks to be given to appropriate Brethren.
These are suggestions and starting off points for interested Brethren. The hope is that after reading these books, Brethren would be inspired to read others through their discussions with other Brethren, by reading everything from a particular author , or the books by which a particular author was inspired.

Refreshment and Rest
By Damian Jack, FPSH

Consider the insights shared by Brother Jack in this article first published in The Phylaxis Magazine,  "A Publication for Prince Hall Masons Who Seek More Light & Have Light to Impart"

Have a Paper that you would like to present to the Brothers of the Ohio Lodge of Research?

Contact WB David Daugherty to insure your topic is included in the agenda for the next stated and the Brothers are aware of the topics to be discussed.

Hosting Virtual Masonic Education?

Share the topic and relevant information and let the Ohio Lodge of Research spread the word for you.  We can provide the information and link on this page as well as share the information with a group of Brothers always on the lookout for ways to improve their Masonic knowledge.

Thank you to WB Michael Miller who will be maintaining the OLR presence on Facebook. If you have any content, comments, or questions about our Facebook page contact the Lodge Secretary at this time.



Facebook is shutting down Friend List Feeds | TechCrunch

Share your Research and Ideas with the Masonic Community
The guidelines and requirements for submitting work to the Ohio Lodge of Research are provided in the document: Submission Requirements.  Writings should follow the  AQC Style Guide.  If you are looking for inspiration or unsure of how to begin writing a Masonic paper, consider reading Writing a Masonic Paper as it was published by the Philalethes Society.

Discussion Forums
A beneficial feature of the new Ohio Lodge of Research Website is the addition of discussion forums.  If you have used discussion forums on other websites, you will recognize a similar format.  If you are not familiar with discussion forums, they are a method for the Members of the Ohio Lodge of Research to communicate with one another, share ideas, and stimulate good conversation.  We hope the discussion forums become an area of heavy traffic.  Feel free to use these discussions to get to know your Brothers of the Ohio Lodge of Research, share new ideas related to Masonry, have your questions answered, and explore new topics.  The value of the discussion forums is limited only by your imagination and willingness to participate.  Follow the Discussion link at the top of the page and visit frequently to keep up with the conversations.

Discussion Forums are only visible to registered Members of the Ohio Lodge of Research.

Member Introductions

One of the challenges of the Ohio Lodge of Research is having a membership that is geographically distributed all over the state of Ohio (and beyond).  This can make it difficult for everyone to get to know one another.
Take advantage of the "Member Introductions" discussion group to share information about yourself with the Brothers of the Lodge and learn more about others who also have interests in Masonic Research.
Topics of Discussion

Have a question to which you've been trying to find the answer?  Or, want to see if others are interpreting an idea the same way you are?  Start a new thread in this general discussion group.

The topics that can be discussed here are limited only by your imaginations and your willingness to share.  Frequent and open conversations will benefit Masonic research throughout Ohio and beyond.
Works in Progress

Have a paper or presentation that you've been working on, but haven't been able to put on the finishing touches.  Post it to the "Works in Progress" folder of the Document database and start a thread in the corresponding discussion group in order to get feedback from your fellow researchers in the Ohio Lodge of Research.
Officers and Administrators will not consider your work for submission until you are satisfied with your product and formally submit it to the Lodge for consideration.